q 119 - in the radiograph the answer was void . I feel a void is small gaps that are formed due to poor compaction during obturation . The x ray shows Gutta percha that might have been removed for a post , the post may not show because it may be a fiber post and the radio opaque material is the resin cement . You can see the apical seal (as if the gutta percha was cute and removed ) not voids .
q 20 - I also felt it here it was risky to say voids , if it was for the root that has the long post , because i also feel here that the gutta percha is removed for post placement and not really a void during obturation , yes there is a broken instrument and its underfilled , but i felt saying there is voids is risky
q 111 - isn't there calculus on the mesial of 17 ?
q 4 - I agree its aggressive but i was confused between localized and generalized , what i did is counted that there was attachment loss in 41% of the sites so I considered it as generalized aggressive perio ;/ . in order for it to be generalized does it have to include teeth other then first molars and incisors ?
Q 3 – There is a traumatic ulcer associated with pain. Why don’t we also choose topical anesthetic addiction to observation and elimination of etiological factors?
Q 29 – The patient’s chief complaint is discomfort in the upper right area (tooth 1.6 has pulp necrosis + endo – perio lesion)+ burning sensation near the same teeth (due to aspirin mucosal burn). There is a prescription to manage the patient’s pain- Ace+Oxycodone. I chose Drug is not indicated in that case instead of Drug is not first choice. Does any systemic analgesic is indicated in this case? I thought for managing mucosal burn pain topical anesthetic will be enough.
Q 61 – The patient is in the 3rd trimester pregnancy + in the history there is information that the patient has refused x-rays for 2 years. That’s why I was confused and didn’t pick option A. Periapical radiographs. What does this info mean? What should we do with this fact? I was sure that it means that we shouldn’t choose periapical x –rays in that case.
Q 62 – There is blood pressure 140\90. It’s stage II hypertension according to classification. Why don’t we choose the option - minimize the use of epinephrine?
Q 84 – According to the info from Q88 – maxillary incisors are inclined lingually. Doesn’t it mean that we have div 2? That’s why I choose Angle class II div 2 subdivision left.
Q 112 (in Mock) q 111 (in video with answers - something happened with the numeration) – could we look at this radiograph together? I also saw the calculus on 1.7 mesial
Q 117 (in Mock) q 116 (in video with answers) – For me the mesial radiolucency looks like part of the tooth anatomy (concavity). Can it be true?